The UNC Family Connections Study wants to hear from you!
What? We want to know how mothers in recovery from addiction help their children learn to connect with other people by being thankful, giving, and loving. We invite mothers in recovery and their children (aged 6-12) to attend a 2-hour meeting with researchers in which they play games with their child as well as complete surveys (for mothers) and interviews (for children). Although some mothers or children may be uncomfortable answering questions, they may skip questions or stop being in the study at any time. Mothers receive a $130 gift card and children receive a toy. Transportation and childcare arrangements are available as needed.
Who? Mothers over age 18 and their children aged 6–12. To be eligible, mothers should (a) have sought recovery or treatment services for alcohol or drug related problems (which could be NA or AA) in the past five years, (b) have at least weekly contact with the participating child and (c) attend the session with their child.
Why? To help us design future programs that will build resilience in children! Call the UNC research team today at 919-590-9172 or email us at! Study ID#23-0596 approved by the UNC Institutional Review Board (919-966-3113) or