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Additional Resources as they come in...

From the Population Council: - The GIRL Center site, The Girl Innovation, Research, and Learning (GIRL) Center is a global research center that generates, synthesizes, and translates evidence to transform the lives of adolescent girls. Through rigorous research about what works — and what doesn’t — we can better direct limited resources to support evidence-based solutions that improve girls’ lives. Supporting Native American Girls during the COVID-19 pandemic The Indigenous Adolescent Girls’ Empowerment Network (IMAGEN) is a native female designed, led, and controlled network that adapts, builds, and shares innovative skills and tools to create local Girl Societies that address the needs of AI/AN adolescent girls. Through the generosity of a private donor, Mr. Marty Jeiven, IMAGEN received $36,000 to directly fund groups that work with AI/AN adolescent girls. To reach as many girls as possible, IMAGEN created micro-grants ranging from $500-$2,000 that were dispersed to Native women working with local girls. The Community of Practice The Community of Practice partners craft interventions tailored for girls to build their health, social, economic, and cognitive assets. The Population Council has published a series of practical Tools and Resources for Girl-Centered Programming.  Population Council Scholarly Journals: Our commitment to DEI Beyond publisher-led initiatives, individual journals have a responsibility to act. Academic journals play a crucial role in breaking the cycle of social injustice in academic careers and must proactively address issues like implicit bias, gender balance, and institutional favoritism and access—as well as citation and publication bias. To tackle these and other biases that perpetuate injustices in scholarship, the Population Council’s journals commit to build on efforts to date.    